
From Seed to Harvest

Oct 31, 2018 | News

The power and potential within a seed is awe inspiring. Within that tiny bit of matter lies the full potential of a mature plant. AMCAW began with the seeds of ideas. The founders came together to plant those seeds in the fertile grounds of our intentions and our willingness to work hard to see them thrive.

This journey has been a wild ride so far. Over the past year, we’ve experienced the ebb and flow of momentum many times along the way.

The period leading up to our launch was one of intense focus and productivity. We needed the infrastructure to manage memberships, a tutorial collection to provide immediate value, and the website to present it all to the community. We collectively put in many hundreds of hours figuring out how to get all the pieces and parts working together. Preparing for the launch was intense yet so rewarding. Our seeds matured into a thriving garden which we hope will nourish the metal clay community for years to come.

Now it is time to plant new seeds, the seeds that will lead to the fulfillment of our goals and vision for shaping the future of metal clay.

In this, we are not alone. Many talented and committed members of this amazing community have stepped forward. Their message is clear, “You don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to help.” We are extremely grateful for that message.

Our priority now is forming the committees that will do the work and deliver on the mission. Like everything else, we’ve learned that what seems fairly simple at first blush can actually be quite complex. We need to fully empower each committee to realize its full potential and give everyone who wants to be involved an opportunity to do so.

Please see the article about creating committees to learn more about that process and how you can get involved.

We thank you for putting your faith in us and in AMCAW. We thank you for helping us nurture and care for our beautiful garden of possibilities for the metal clay community.