
Browse the Member Tutorials

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Deb Karash class CSACJ Student's work

Visit the Learning Center

Hidden Beauty challenge is open!

Superbly Sintered 2024

Visit the Virtual Guild

AMCAW Activity Calendar

See our Year to View with all of AMCAW activities listed. 

Class & Workshop Calendar

Visit this calendar to see classes and workshops being taught around the world by our instructor members.

Learn about Mastery Modules

Learn about Metal Clay Live

Apply to teach or present

Become a member

Welcome to the


Alliance for Metal Clay Arts Worldwide

Metal Clay Is Our Shared Passion

The Alliance for Metal Clay Arts Worldwide’s (AMCAW) mission is to develop and advance the international metal clay community and to promote the medium of metal clay to new users and the greater arts community. To do that, we provide resources to inspire, engage, educate, advance, and support artists of all levels. AMCAW seeks to unify the metal clay community regardless of brand or formula preference, experience level, or location. We work to introduce metal clay to new users and bolster the reputation of metal clay in the greater arts community.

The Board members of AMCAW are a group of passionate professionals and artists committed to these ideals. AMCAW is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and our work is conducted almost entirely by volunteers, led by metal clay professionals and enthusiasts from around the world. While AMCAW is based in the U.S., our board members and our scope of work seek to unite the global metal clay community.

Scroll to see what the Alliance for Metal Clay Arts Worldwide can offer you

Brandy Boyd July 2024 virtual guild presentation
Corina Gheorghe

Virtual Guild

  • Live online meetings with guest speakers
  • Join with other artists from all over the world to learn
  • Meetings are recorded so you can watch them at your leisure

Artist Challenges

  • Twice a year with fabulous prizes
  • Gain valuable experience of making pieces to a theme
  • Juried by top artists from multiple disciplines
  • Private feedback gives you a personal critique on your work from professional artists
  • Winners are permanently displayed in the Challenge Winners Gallery
  • Prizes include an Expert Consultation with a top artist! 2 hours to pick your expert’s brain!
Karen Trexler rings

Member Tutorial Collections

  • Tutorials from top global artists
  • Over 90 tutorials with more added regularly
  • Step by step instructions online, with downloadable pdfs
  • Exclusively for AMCAW members!
Corina Gheorghe flower angled

Learning Center

A library of Public and member only articles available

Corina Gheorghe flower angled

Class & Workshop Calendar

Visit the calendar to see the classes and workshops being taught around the world by our instructor members.

AMCAW Activity Calendar

See a year to view of all AMCAW activities on one page!

Mastery Modules

Mastery Modules

Open to any artist, anywhere!

Brand neutral, use any metal clay brand you wish.

AMCAW is honored to offer the worldwide metal clay community a program designed to help all metal clay artists become well-rounded in skills and techniques, confident that they have gained competence in core skills, and enabled and encouraged to expand their creative boundaries.


  • WHEN: May 13-19, 2026
  • WHERE: Orlando, Florida
  • APPLY: Call for presentation and workshops is open now until 28th February, 2025

Metal Clay Live 2025

The premiere virtual event brought to you by AMCAW, showcasing innovative presentations, interactive virtual workshops, and engaging networking opportunities.

Registration is open now for members only until March 3.

Metal Clay Live AMCAW home page

Founding Cornerstone Members

Founding Gold Sponsors

Lis-el Crowley
Margaret Graham
Theresa Sellers Hall
Sian Hamilton
Paula McDowell
Wendy McManus

Laura Moore
Cecille Revels
Cindy Silas
Jackie Truty
Martha Vaughan

Rio Grande Logo 2023

Founding Cornerstone Members

Lis-el Crowley

Margaret Graham

Theresa Sellers Hall

Sian Hamilton

Paula McDowell

Wendy McManus

Laura Moore

Cecille Revels

Cindy Silas

Jackie Truty

Martha Vaughan

Founding Gold Sponsors

Rio Grande Logo 2023