Develop a strategy to nurture existing members ensuring retention and encouraging every member to become an AMCAW promoter
Grow membership through the provision of new initiatives, consistent promotion, and community engagement
Promote member benefits in dynamic ways and through diverse channels to increase the profile of AMCAW
Engage with worldwide metal clay influencers to encourage and promote membership benefits
Seek opportunities for AMCAW to be represented through online channels
Engage with the wider artistic community at conferences and other events, including those focused on metal clay as well as those representing other mediums or disciplines
The mission of this Committee is to support and engage members of the world-wide metal clay community by developing and implementing practical, hands-on educational programs, welcoming makers of all skill levels and perspectives, and providing guidance as they pursue a higher level of personal excellence.
Ever wonder how things get done in AMCAW? We have teams of dedicated volunteers that keep things running. AMCAW has sixteen different volunteer teams that keep AMCAW alive, creating new and exciting tutorials, virtual guild meetings, newsletters and all things metal clay. Let’s look into one of our teams – the Metal Clay Live team.
Behind the Scenes: The Dedicated Team Creating AMCAW’s First Digital Event
Barbara Clow
Under the initial leadership of Barbara Clow, a small group of visionaries gathered to explore an intriguing possibility: could AMCAW create a virtual event that would bring world-class metal clay education directly to artists’ studios? That first spark of an idea has now evolved into Metal Clay Live, AMCAW’s groundbreaking digital event scheduled for May 2025, thanks to the unwavering dedication of a seven-member volunteer team.
“When we first started discussing this idea, we knew we were venturing into new territory for AMCAW,” shares Wendy Ernst, who now leads the team. “But we also knew how many artists could benefit from accessing high-quality instruction regardless of their location.” Working collaboratively, the team has transformed their virtual event concept into a comprehensive program featuring 30 presentations and 26 workshops that will connect the global metal clay community.
The journey from concept to reality has required an extraordinary blend of skills and dedication. Sian Hamilton tackles the technical architecture of the event, ensuring the digital platform will deliver a seamless experience for participants. Stephanie Chavez brings valuable insights about online teaching and instructor support, while Claudia Cooley co-leads the team and lends her expertise in business writing and editing.
Wendy Ernst, Team Lead
Sian Hamilton
Stephanie Chavez
Claudia Cooley
AJ Newell orchestrates the marketing strategy, crafting compelling messages that capture the excitement of this first-of-its-kind event.
Drawing from her experience leading AMCAW’s successful guild webinars, Bronwyn Evans oversees videos being produced for the event. Pam Feindel, who managed AMCAW’s in-person SINTER 2022 event, provides crucial insights about potential challenges and ensures alignment with AMCAW’s mission. Together, the team operates as a thoughtful committee, where innovative solutions emerge through collaborative discussion and shared problem-solving.
AJ Newell
Bronwyn Evans
Pam Feindel
The scope of their work reveals their commitment to excellence. From researching virtual platforms and developing resource materials for instructors new to online presentation, to creating comprehensive marketing plans and building the event website, the team has addressed every detail. They’ve crafted policies, developed surveys, and even created special videos to enhance the event experience. Their attention to detail extends to practical considerations like accounting treatments and tax implications, ensuring a solid foundation for this new venture.
“What makes this team special is their unwavering enthusiasm,” Ernst notes. “When life inevitably interferes with someone’s availability, another team member steps up to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Everyone remains open to suggestions and embraces necessary changes as we navigate this new territory.” This flexibility and mutual support have been crucial as the team works to translate the energy and connection of in-person metal clay events into a digital format.
As the launch of Metal Clay Live approaches, the team continues their detailed work: verifying instructor website pages, finalizing registration documents, creating engaging video content, and spreading the word through articles and social media. Their efforts will culminate in an event that offers unprecedented access to metal clay expertise, with presentations ranging from advanced sculpting techniques to business development, all accessible from artists’ home studios.
This dedicated group of volunteers exemplifies the collaborative spirit of the metal clay community. Through their vision and persistent effort, they’re creating more than just a digital event—they’re opening new possibilities for how the global metal clay community can connect, learn, and grow together. When artists from around the world gather virtually in May 2025, they’ll be experiencing the results of countless hours of thoughtful planning and passionate commitment from this remarkable team.
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