
The Stuff of Legend Challenge Winner – Advanced Category

May 10, 2024 | Challenges

Meet the Winners: Carol Douglas, Advanced Category

The Stuff of Legend Challenge

Stuff of Legend Advanced-Carol Douglas

Congratulations to Carol Douglas, winner of the Advanced category in The Stuff of Legend Challenge! Her winning piece, Sea Dragon, is a fine silver pendant with pearl, on a handmade chain. 

Join us for an interview with Carol about her amazing piece.

“The Sea Dragon piece of jewellery was inspired by several Japanese legends from which I created one. The prettiest part is that the moon goddess scatters her beams of light on the sea and the oysters come up to the surface on a special eve and take them back to the seabed to make them into pearls. The sea dragon is the guardian of those sea pearls.

“I wrote the story first, a song, and then several character background stories. I researched and sketched sea creature tails and other details before producing some artwork and design plans.

“I did not face any particular challenges making this piece except that care needed to be taken that damage was not done to the delicate parts on one side whilst working on the other. It is a hollow form done over cork clay.” 

“The Stuff of Legend was a perfect subject for my first challenge. I urge everyone to have a go because you may make something completely unexpected, out of your comfort zone or usual style, and perhaps you may have to learn a new skill to meet the challenge – so whether you win or not, you will have gained.”

Carol’s Metal Clay Journey

“I found metal clay one rainy day in December (possibly 2002) totally by accident when I popped into a local craft fair to get in out of the cold. I got talking to Hilary Bowan, an amazing artist and teacher, who suggested taking one of her metal clay classes instead of buying one of her pieces. I dashed home and asked my husband if he had bought me a Christmas present yet….. and the rest is history!”

About Carol

“I have been an artist and sculptor all my life and began my teaching career after leaving university in my twenties. Much of the time I was head of ceramic or art departments in schools and colleges. I still do enjoy teaching but mostly like to give myself time for my own creations. I have recently built a new studio which I am beginning to spend a lot of my time playing and experimenting in with a couple of close friends.

“I live in the south of England and when I awake in the morning and look out of my bedroom window I can see the Isle of Wight. I live in a place called The New Forest where the land tumbles into the sea. You can sit on tree branches and have the water lap right up to your feet. I write a lot of songs and stories remembering that place or whilst I am actually there.

Find Carol online at, and on Facebook as Carol Douglas Jewellery Sculptor.