
The Technique Library

An Exclusive Benefit for AMCAW Members

Welcome to our new series of mini-tutorials focused on specific metal clay techniques!

This collection of short tutorials, excerpted from our project tutorials, lets you quickly find and focus on a particular technique without looking through all of the projects. Each technique in the library includes step-by-step instructions with photos (and sometimes video) to clearly illustrate the technique so you can tackle it with confidence.

The Technique Library is perfect if you are starting out and want to learn a specific technique, if you are familiar with the technique but just need a quick refresher, or if you want to refine your metal clay skills.

Use the filters to find the technique you’re looking for, and you’ll soon be learning how to do it like a pro!

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Setting a Square Fire In Place Stone

Adding Resin into Open Cells

Texturing With Paste

Creating and Closing Jump Rings

Stamping a Texture in Polymer Clay

Setting Fire In Place Gems In Flowers

Making a Hidden Arch Bail

Rolling Metal Clay Balls

Using an Embeddable Eyelet

Torch Firing Silver Clay

Mixing Glass Glitter and Resin

Picking Up Clay with a Scraper

Showing all 12 results