
Meet Wendy Ernst, AMCAW Volunteer

Mar 18, 2024 | Meet Our Volunteers

Did you know that AMCAW is managed and run by a large team of volunteers? All metal clay artists, they share their professional skills and energy to help AMCAW create and bring you more programs, tutorials, and fun. We thought you’d enjoy meeting some of these fabulous volunteers – and perhaps become a volunteer yourself!

Wendy Ernst first became aware of AMCAW when she went to the last Mojo conference put on by Lisel Crowley.  She joined shortly after that, but was wary of getting involved as a volunteer as she didn’t think she had the experience or credentials in metal clay that she thought volunteers would possess. Over time, Wendy got to know Pam Feindel, and Pam was instrumental in encouraging Wendy to join the SINTER 2022 committee.  

The two main things Wendy likes best about being a volunteer at AMCAW have nothing to do with metal clay.  First, she loves that she’s met a group of people that are collectively very energetic, welcoming, and focused. Wendy considers many of them my friends and their friendships have flourished despite the distances.  

Second, she enjoys volunteering with AMCAW as it has given her life some additional purpose and direction.  Wendy had recently stopped working and it helped her continue to feel useful to something bigger than herself.  She continues to develop business skills as she learns the inner workings of the organisation.  

Wendy’s Metal Clay Journey

Wendy’s jewelry adventure started when her youngest daughter went off to school.  She needed to find a hobby to occupy her time.  She started with beading but felt she wanted to do something more.  A local jewelry shop, BeadFX, had a class on metal clay using Hadar Jacobson’s base metal clays.  She enjoyed the class but didn’t pursue it for awhile.  After attending Bead ‘n Button, Wendy revisited creating in metal clay.  She took classes in metal clay with Lisel Crowley, Patrice Baker and Irina Miech, then expanded her skill set by attending conferences and earning metal clay certification.

Wendy really enjoyed the Art Clay Silver Level 1 certification class that she took several years ago with Pam East.  The amount of information Pam crammed into that course was mind boggling.  It was a fun week of learning all things metal clay. 

As a hobbyist, Wendy’s pieces usually reflect what she has learned from recent courses. After taking a course from Hadar Jacobson, Wendy likes using multiple base metals on earrings and pendants.  Michael Marx instilled in her the love of making face pendants, and Wendy is currently finishing a piece she started in his class. Her last piece was a relief piece of the Toronto skyline using a technique she learned from Holly Gage.  

We have a TV star in our midst! As a child, Wendy got to go on a local television network for three different shows.  The first one was “Firehouse Frolics.” a variety show for children, a second time she appeared on a Christmas special for a social studies program that was shown in the schools.  Her third appearance on a show was as a representative of Girl Guides of Canada.    

Wendy is looking forward to going to SINTER 24.  She was actively involved in the SINTER 22 conference, and had little time to truly enjoy the conference experience.  This time she plans to enjoy the experience as an attendee.  

About Wendy

Wendy Ernst is a retired certified public accountant living in Ontario, Canada.  She is a jewelry hobbyist that enjoys metal clay, polymer clay and enameling.  She enjoys learning and discovering new techniques from talented artists.   She enjoys travelling and is appreciative of recent trips to Hawaii, Barbados, Cuba and Japan.  She is happiest when spending time with her family.